773 Group is a hybrid destination for all your electronic, interconnect, and electromechanical components. Our online platform brings together a wide range of high-quality components from hundreds of manufacturers.
Our mission is to provide you with the best possible buying experience by offering a wide variety of electronic, interconnect, and electromechanical components with competitive pricing, on time deliveries, and exceptional customer service. We understand the importance of quality and reliability. Our core competency is to help our customers stay up and running with little to no downtime.
We work with top-rated component manufacturers to ensure that our customers have access to a wide spectrum of products. Our team of experts carefully selects and tests every product to ensure that it meets our high standards of quality and performance. We supply a diverse selection of components for consumer, commercial, industrial, automotive, automation, medial, as well as aerospace & defense applications.
Top Categories
Audio Products - Battery Products - Boxes, Enclosures, Racks - Cable Assemblies - Cables, Wires - Cables, Wires - Management - Capacitors - Circuit Protection - Computer Equipment - Connectors, Interconnects - Crystals, Oscillators, Resonators - Development Boards, Kits, Programmers - Discrete Semiconductor Products - Embedded Computers Fans, Thermal Management - Filters - Hardware, Fasteners, Accessories - Inductors, Coils, Chokes - Industrial Automation and Controls - Industrial Supplies - Integrated Circuits (ICs) Isolators - Kits - Labels, Signs, Barriers, Identification - Line Protection, Distribution, Backups - Magnetics - Transformer, Inductor Components - Maker/DIY, Educational - Microcontrollers - Motors, Actuators, Solenoids and Drivers - Networking Solutions - Optical Inspection Equipment - Optics - Optoelectronics - Potentiometers, Variable Resistors - Power Supplies - Board Mount - PLDs (Programmable Logic Device) - Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board) - FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array), - Linear, - PMIC, - Prototyping, Fabrication Products - Relays - Resistors - RF and Wireless - RF/IF and RFID - Sensors, Transducers - Soldering, Desoldering, Rework Products - Microprocessors, - Switches - Tapes, Adhesives, Materials - Test and Measurement Tools - Transformers - Uncategorized - Unclassified, - Memory Cards, Modules - Memory IC's
We have everything you need to keep production lines up and running.