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D-Sub, D-Shaped Connectors

D-Sub, D-Shaped Connectors

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    Part No. Description Product Name Standard Packaging Other Name Series Product Status Action
    1731092642  FCT DSUB STR PC RCPT 09 PN W/SNA 1731092642 50 173109-2642 | 900-1731092642 * RFQ
    1731092643  FCT DSUB STR PC RCPT 09 PN W/SNA 1731092643 50 173109-2643 | 900-1731092643 * RFQ
    1731092644  FCT DSUB RA PC PLG 15 PN W/CLINC 1731092644 50 900-1731092644 | 173109-2644 * RFQ
    1731100339  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 15 RMNT 1731100339 25 173110-0339 | 900-1731100339 * RFQ
    1731100341  FCT FWD DSUB RA PC PLG 15 RMNT 1731100341 25 173110-0341 | 900-1731100341 * RFQ
    1731100342  FCT FWD DSUB STR PC PLG 15 RMNT 1731100342 25 900-1731100342 | 173110-0342 * RFQ
    1731100350  FCT FWD DSUB STR PC RCPT 09 RMNT 1731100350 50 900-1731100350 | 173110-0350 * RFQ
    1731100352  FCT FWD DSUB RA PC RCPT 09 RMNT 1731100352 50 173110-0352 | 900-1731100352 * RFQ
    1731100358  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PC 09 RMNT 1731100358 50 900-1731100358 | 173110-0358 * RFQ
    1731100359  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PC 09 RMNT 1731100359 50 173110-0359 | 900-1731100359 * RFQ
    1731100360  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PC 09 RMNT 1731100360 50 173110-0360 | 900-1731100360 * RFQ
    1731100361  FCT FWD DSUB RA PC PLG 09 RMNT 1731100361 50 900-1731100361 | 173110-0361 * RFQ
    1731100362  FCT FWD DSUB RA PC PLG 09 RMNT 1731100362 50 173110-0362 | 900-1731100362 * RFQ
    1731100363  FCT FWD DSUB STR PC PLG 09 RMNT 1731100363 50 173110-0363 | 900-1731100363 * RFQ
    1731100372  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 25 PN FMNT 1731100372 25 900-1731100372 | 173110-0372 * RFQ
    1731100374  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 15 PN FMNT 1731100374 25 173110-0374 | 900-1731100374 * RFQ
    1731100376  FCT FWD DSUB SDR RCPT 09 PN FMNT 1731100376 50 900-1731100376 | 173110-0376 * RFQ
    1731100377  FCT FWD DSUB SDR RCPT 09 PN FMNT 1731100377 50 900-1731100377 | 173110-0377 * RFQ
    1731100378  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 09 PN FMNT 1731100378 50 900-1731100378 | 173110-0378 * RFQ
    1731100379  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 09 PN FMNT 1731100379 50 900-1731100379 | 173110-0379 * RFQ
    1731100381  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 25 PN FMNT 1731100381 25 173110-0381 | 900-1731100381 * RFQ
    1731100384  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 25 PN FMNT 1731100384 100 173110-0384 | 900-1731100384 * RFQ
    1731100387  FCT FWD DSUB SDR RCPT 09 PN FMNT 1731100387 25 900-1731100387 | 173110-0387 * RFQ
    1731100388  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 15 PN FMNT 1731100388 100 900-1731100388 | 173110-0388 * RFQ
    1731100389  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 09 PN FMNT 1731100389 25 900-1731100389 | 173110-0389 * RFQ
    1731100391  FCT FWD DSUB SDR RCPT 09 PN FMNT 1731100391 100 173110-0391 | 900-1731100391 * RFQ
    1731100392  FCT WD FWD SDR RCPT 09 PN FMNT 1731100392 50 173110-0392 | 900-1731100392 * RFQ
    1731100393  FCT FWD DSUB SDR RCPT 09 PN FMNT 1731100393 50 173110-0393 | 900-1731100393 * RFQ
    1731100396  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 09 PN FMNT 1731100396 100 173110-0396 | 900-1731100396 * RFQ
    1731100397  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 09 PN FMNT 1731100397 50 900-1731100397 | 173110-0397 * RFQ
    1731100398  FCT FWD DSUB SDR PLG 09 PN FMNT 1731100398 50 900-1731100398 | 173110-0398 * RFQ
    1731100399  FCT WD CAP S2 W/SCREWLCK 1731100399 25 900-1731100399 | 173110-0399 * RFQ
    1731100401  FCT WD HOOD S1 0 DEG SHLD PLSTC 1731100401 100 900-1731100401 | 173110-0401 * RFQ
    1731100402  FCT WD HOOD S1 0 DEG PLSTC W/SCR 1731100402 100 900-1731100402 | 173110-0402 * RFQ
    1731100424  FCT WD DSUB STR PC PLG 1731100424 19 900-1731100424 | 173110-0424 * RFQ
    1731100429  FCT FWD DSUB SDR RCPT 50 PN FMNT 1731100429 25 173110-0429 | 900-1731100429 * RFQ
    1731100474  FCT FWD DSUB STR PC PLG 09 RMNT 1731100474 50 900-1731100474 | 173110-0474 * RFQ
    1731100475  FCT FWD DSUB STR PC RCPT 15 RMNT 1731100475 25 900-1731100475 | 173110-0475 * RFQ
    1731100476  FCT FWD DSUB STR PC RCPT 25 RMNT 1731100476 25 900-1731100476 | 173110-0476 * RFQ
    1731100477  FCT FWD DSUB SDR X RCPT 15 FMNT 1731100477 25 900-1731100477 | 173110-0477 * RFQ
    1731100478  FCT FWD DSUB SDR X RCPT 15 FMNT 1731100478 25 900-1731100478 | 173110-0478 * RFQ
    1731110035  FCT HOOD S1 0 DEG SHLD PLSTC W/S 1731110035 1 900-1731110035 | 173111-0035 * RFQ
    1731110036  FCT HOOD S1 70 DEG SHLD PLSTC W/ 1731110036 1 900-1731110036 | 173111-0036 * RFQ
    1731110037  FCT HOOD S2 0 DEG SHLD PLSTC W/S 1731110037 1 173111-0037 | 900-1731110037 * RFQ
    1731110038  FCT HOOD S2 70 DEG SHLD PLSTC W/ 1731110038 1 900-1731110038 | 173111-0038 * RFQ
    1731110039  FCT HOOD S3 0 DEG SHLD PLSTC W/S 1731110039 1 900-1731110039 | 173111-0039 * RFQ
    1731110040  FCT HOOD S3 70 DEG SHLD PLSTC W/ 1731110040 1 173111-0040 | 900-1731110040 * RFQ
    1731110041  FCT HOOD S1 0 DEG MTL W/SCRWLCK 1731110041 50 900-1731110041 | 173111-0041 * RFQ
    1731110042  FCT HOOD S1 45 DEG MTL W/SCRWLCK 1731110042 50 900-1731110042 | 173111-0042 * RFQ
    1731110043  FCT HOOD S2 0 DEG MTL W/SCRWLCK 1731110043 50 173111-0043 | 900-1731110043 * RFQ

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