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Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board)

Power supplies—whether external or internal (off-board)—play a crucial role in providing the necessary electrical power to a wide variety of devices and systems. External power supplies are designed to operate outside of the device they power, typically using an AC-to-DC conversion method. These units are highly versatile, allowing users to connect them easily to various devices via a plug or connector. They are commonly used for consumer electronics, medical equipment, and industrial systems where portability, safety, and ease of use are essential.

Internal or off-board power supplies, on the other hand, are built into the device or system, providing a more compact and integrated solution. They convert incoming AC power into DC voltage to ensure smooth and stable operation of the internal components. Off-board power supplies are often found in server racks, embedded systems, and more permanent installations, offering the benefit of space efficiency and consistent power delivery without the need for an external unit.

You have searched for Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board), one of our listed category offering premium quality parts and components. Here you can easily find all the information you need about the category and browse through the parts listed here. We offer fast turnaround times on almost all our orders across the US. If you are interested in any from Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board), all you have to do is complete and submit the Request for Quote (RFQ) form. We offer a quick quote in 15 minutes from receiving the form. One of the members of our team will contact you. We are available 24x7 at your service.

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    Part No. Description Product Name Standard Packaging Other Name Series Product Status Action
    TDR-480-24  TDR-480-24 8 TDR-480-24 - TDR480-24 - TDR48024 - TDR-480 (480W) Active RFQ
    SDI160G-19-UD2-P51  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 19V 160W SDI160G-19-UD2-P51 24 GaN, SDI160G-UD (160W) Active RFQ
    SMM30-5-K-P6R  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 5V 20W SMM30-5-K-P6R 80 SMM30 (36W) Active RFQ
    LFWLT60-CK  COVER KIT FOR WLT/MWLT40 &60 LFWLT60-CK 25 WLT60CK | 2107-WLT60CK | 2107-LFWLT60-CK | 2107-WLT60CK | LFWLT60-CK | CEL-22-LFWLT60-CK Active RFQ
    57-12D-1000-2  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 12V 12W 57-12D-1000-2 1 Active RFQ
    S8VK-T24024-400  AC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 240W S8VK-T24024-400 1 * Active RFQ
    PSAA30R-240-R-C2  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 24V 30W PSAA30R-240-R-C2 1 PSAA30R-240-C2 | REWORK 2.5X5.5 CENTER+ PSAA30R-240-R-C2 PSAA30R (30W) Active RFQ
    ICM36-240  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 24V 36W ICM36-240 1 Tri-Mag®, ICM36 (36W) Active RFQ
    TR9CC2000T00CFR6B  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 7.5V 15W TR9CC2000T00CFR6B 60 Active RFQ
    57-9D-600-1  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 9V 5.4W 57-9D-600-1 1 Active RFQ
    S8FS-G15048CD  AC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 48V 158W S8FS-G15048CD 1 Z10421 | S8FS-G15048CD | S8FSG15048CD S8FS-G (150W) Active RFQ
    AQ03K-050A-R  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 5V 2.8W AQ03K-050A-R 1 AQ03K (2.75W) Active RFQ
    PSA60R-120-R  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 12V 60W PSA60R-120-R 1,000 PSA60R-120 | 993-1128 | PSA60R120R PSA60R (60W) Obsolete RFQ
    PSAA30R-240  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 24V 30W PSAA30R-240 90 993-1120 | PSAA30R-240-R | PSAA30R240 | PSAA30R-240 PSAA30R (30W) Active RFQ
    PSAC60M-560-R-CNR1  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 56V 60W PSAC60M-560-R-CNR1 1 PSAC60M-560-CNR1 | REWORK 2.1X5.5 CENTER- PSAC60M-560-R-CNR1 PSAC60M (60W) Active RFQ
    PSM03S-050Q-3W-R  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 5V 2.8W PSM03S-050Q-3W-R 200 PSM03S-050Q-3W | 993-1252 PSM03 (2.75W) Active RFQ
    AM10CW-2412S-NZ-STD  DC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 2X12V 10W AM10CW-2412S-NZ-STD 24 AM10CW-NZ (10W) Active RFQ
    PSA60R-240-R  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 24V 60W PSA60R-240-R 1,000 PSA60R-240 | PSA60R240R | 993-1129 PSA60R (60W) Obsolete RFQ
    PSA15R-090PV-R-CN2  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 9V 15W PSA15R-090PV-R-CN2 1 REWORK 2.5X5.5 CENTER- PSA15R-090PV-R-CN2 | PSA15R-090PV-CN2 PSA15R (15W) Obsolete RFQ
    AMP2511-05  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 12V 230W AMP2511-05 1 AMP2511 (250W) Active RFQ
    AM20EW-11024SH22-NZ-STD  DC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 2X24V 20W AM20EW-11024SH22-NZ-STD 24 AM20EW-NZ (20W) Active RFQ
    PSAA20R-240-R-C5  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 24V 20W PSAA20R-240-R-C5 1 PSAA20R-240-C5 | REWORK 0.7X2.5 CENTER+ PSAA20R-240-R-C5 PSAA20R (20W) Obsolete RFQ
    PSAC60M-240-R-C2  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 24V 60W PSAC60M-240-R-C2 1 REWORK 2.5X5.5 CENTER+ PSAC60M-240-R-C2 | PSAC60M-240-C2 PSAC60M (60W) Active RFQ
    PSAC30U-050-R-C2  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 5V 20W PSAC30U-050-R-C2 1 REWORK 2.5X5.5 CENTER+ PSAC30U-050-R-C2 | PSAC30U-050-C2 PSAC30U (30W) Obsolete RFQ
    RPMD15-4815SFW/N  DC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 15V 15W RPMD15-4815SFW/N 30 30002384 | RPMD154815SFW/N POWERLINE Power Modules (15W) Active RFQ
    PSAA20R-050-R-CNR2  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 5V 15W PSAA20R-050-R-CNR2 1 REWORK 2.5X5.5 CENTER- PSAA20R-050-R-CNR2 | PSAA20R-050-CNR2 PSAA20R (20W) Obsolete RFQ
    RPMD40-2405SG  DC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 5V 40W RPMD40-2405SG 30 POWERLINE Power Modules (40W) Active RFQ
    PSC12R-120-R-CNR1  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 12V 12W PSC12R-120-R-CNR1 1 PSC12R-120-CNR1 | REWORK 2.1X5.5 CENTER- PSC12R-120-R-CNR1 PSC12R (12W) Obsolete RFQ
    PSAA20R-120-RPA  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 12V 20W PSAA20R-120-RPA 1 993-1248 | Q7639399 PSAA20R (20W) Obsolete RFQ
    AMED30-48SNZ  AC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 2X48V 36W AMED30-48SNZ 9 AMED30-NZ (30W) Active RFQ
    FSP150-AWAN3  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 54V 150W FSP150-AWAN3 1 FSP150-AWAN3 (150W) Active RFQ
    FWA180028A-12A  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 28V 180W FWA180028A-12A 16 Obsolete RFQ
    PPL36U-560  DESKTOP ADAPTER 56V 30W PPL36U-560 1 Active RFQ
    PSA15R-050PV-R-CNR2  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 5V 15W PSA15R-050PV-R-CNR2 1 REWORK 2.5X5.5 CENTER- PSA15R-050PV-R-CNR2 | PSA15R-050PV-CNR2 PSA15R (15W) Obsolete RFQ
    PDRB-300-48B  AC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 48V 300W PDRB-300-48B 16 PDRB-300 (300W) Obsolete RFQ
    SWI10B-5-NB-I38  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 5V 10W SWI10B-5-NB-I38 360 SWI10B-N-USB (10W) Active RFQ
    AM15EW-11005SH22-NZ-STD  DC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY +/-5V 15W AM15EW-11005SH22-NZ-STD 24 AM15EW-NZ (15W) Active RFQ
    DTD120-12SX-F-W6  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 12V 100W DTD120-12SX-F-W6 1 Active RFQ
    16-00234  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 24V 36W 16-00234 120 Active RFQ
    PS1-01-16825  PFC MICROS PS1-01-16825 1 Obsolete RFQ
    S8VS-18024A  AC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 24V 180W S8VS-18024A 1 Z2299 | S8VS18024A S8VS (180W) Active RFQ
    S8VK-T24024  AC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 24V 240W S8VK-T24024 1 S8VKT24024 | S8VK-T24024 | Z4340 S8VK-T (240W) Active RFQ
    57-5D-500-4  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 5V 2.5W 57-5D-500-4 1 Active RFQ
    AM10EW-11012S-NZ-K-STD  DC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 12V 10W AM10EW-11012S-NZ-K-STD 24 AM10EW-NZ (10W) Active RFQ
    25HK-AW-120A125-CP  AC/DC WALL MOUNT ADAPTER 12V 15W 25HK-AW-120A125-CP 1 Obsolete RFQ
    SDI160G-24-UD2-P51  AC/DC DESKTOP ADAPTER 24V 158W SDI160G-24-UD2-P51 24 GaN, SDI160G-UD (160W) Active RFQ
    RPMD30-4812SEW/N  DC/DC DIN RAIL SUPPLY 12V 30W RPMD30-4812SEW/N 30 POWERLINE Power Modules (30W) Active RFQ

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