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TE Connectivity

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(Total Part Numbers : )

    Part No. Description Product Name Standard Packaging Other Name Series Product Status Action
    881779-1  CONN PLUG HSG 6POS 4.80MM 881779-1 1 - Active
    929989-8  DIA 1,5MM CONTACT SOCKET ASSY FO 929989-8 1 - Active
    953371-3  16W MCP H RIGHT ANGLE HDR 953371-3 1 - Active
    953440-3  6POS MQS .63 HEADER 90DEG 953440-3 1 - Active
    1-1102353-1  HB.32.SG-VS.1.29 1-1102353-1 1 HB.32, HTS Active
    1-1102565-6  HD.40.STS.1.29 1-1102565-6 1 HD.40, HTS Active
    1-1102582-1  HD.40.KDO-VS.1.21 1-1102582-1 1 HD.40, HTS Active
    1-120532-2  1FHP,84,50A/P,N,C,S08 1-120532-2 1 - Active
    1-1326032-0  2.8MM RECP,SEAL,16AWG,REV REEL 1-1326032-0 1 - Active
    1-1376477-6  CONN PLUG HSG 6POS 2.50MM 1-1376477-6 1 - Active
    1-1377175-7  SMP 0-0156667-1 1-1377175-7 1 Faston, PIDG Active
    1-1393203-8  RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPDT 5A 6V 1-1393203-8 25 V23148, SCHRACK Active
    1-1437357-9  CBL RIBN 25COND 0.05 BLUE 100' 1-1437357-9 1 - Active
    1-1618013-4  RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 500A 24V 1-1618013-4 1 - Active
    1-1627057-1  RECEPTACLE, QC 6.3 H1972/150 1-1627057-1 1 Utilux Obsolete
    1-1627067-0  H1999/1000 1-1627067-0 1 Utilux Active
    1-1627099-0  H2590/R8000 1-1627099-0 1 Utilux Active
    1-1627127-0  H2815/1000 1-1627127-0 1 Utilux Active
    1-1627134-2  H2833B/R1800 1-1627134-2 1 Utilux Obsolete
    1-1627169-2  H3930ET/R4000 1-1627169-2 1 Utilux Active
    1-1627194-4  H953/150 1-1627194-4 1 Utilux Active
    1-1634201-2  PRFDD3-16F-BB0GW 1-1634201-2 1 PRF Active
    1-1644055-3  CONN PLUG HSG 6POS 6.35MM 1-1644055-3 1 - Active
    1-1659250-0  H25734/R8000 1-1659250-0 8,000 Utilux Active
    1-167019-0  CBL RIBN 10COND 0.05 GRAY 1-167019-0 100 - Active
    1-1703095-1  4POS MT - EDGE HOUSING 1-1703095-1 1 - Active
    1-1703532-1  CONN PLUG HSG 2POS 9.50MM 1-1703532-1 1 - Active
    1-171432-5  FF 312 REC HSG 6P NYLON GREEN 1-171432-5 1 Fastin-Faston Active
    1-171433-5  FF TAB HSG 6P NYLON GREEN 1-171433-5 1 Fastin-Faston Active
    1-1717011-1  EP CONN.HDR ASSY 4/5POS (NATURAL 1-1717011-1 1 - Active
    1-1721547-4  RELAY GEN PURPOSE SPST 5A 24V 1-1721547-4 1 PCJ, OEG Active
    1-173144-4  STACKING POST HOOD HSG 34P 1-173144-4 1 AMPMODU Active
    1-1768045-5  WIRE MARKER CLIP-ON YELLOW 1-1768045-5 300 STD Active
    1-1768048-5  WIRE MARKER CLIP-ON YELLOW 1-1768048-5 50 STD Active
    1-1871673-2  DYNAMIC 1200D HDR ASSY H 4PX BLA 1-1871673-2 1 - Active
    1-2069332-1  CONN RCPT HSG 4POS 10.16MM 1-2069332-1 1 - Active
    1-2069882-6  CONN RCPT HSG 6POS 5.08MM 1-2069882-6 1 - Active
    1-216791-6  AMP LATCH D/P ASSY 1-216791-6 1 - Active
    1-2177372-3  8POS,TAB 0.5X0.4,HEADER ASSY,COD 1-2177372-3 1 - Last Time Buy
    1-2213614-1  HERM BLADE & REC,2 POS,LATCH,SEL 1-2213614-1 37 - Active
    1-2213614-2  HERM BLADE & REC,4 POS,LATCH,SEL 1-2213614-2 1 - Active
    1-2213678-6  Z35 MINI LED HOLDER 13.5*13.5 CS 1-2213678-6 1 LUMAWISE Active
    1-2232960-3  3P POTTED RAST 2.5 HEADER 1-2232960-3 1 - Active
    1-226733-4  CABLE ASSEMBLIESRF CABLE ASSEMBL 1-226733-4 1 - Active
    1-2314102-4  M12 CRIMP CONTACT PIN 1 MM AU 0. 1-2314102-4 1 M12 Rail Active
    1-2333134-5  CONN RCPT HSG 30POS 2.00MM 1-2333134-5 1 - Active
    1-2823056-2  12P,FOB,SMD W/ LATCH,MM VALUE LI 1-2823056-2 63 - Active
    1-2823056-4  14P,FOB,SMD W/ LATCH,MM VALUE LI 1-2823056-4 113 - Active
    1-2823445-3  CONN PLUG MALE 4POS GOLD CRIMP 1-2823445-3 1 M12 Rail Active
    1-2823589-1  CBL ASSY CIRC 4P M TO RECT 0.26' 1-2823589-1 1 - Active

    Showing Page of

    (Total Part Numbers : )