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RF and Wireless

**RF (Radio Frequency)** refers to the range of electromagnetic frequencies used for transmitting data wirelessly. RF encompasses a broad spectrum of frequencies, typically from 3 kHz to 300 GHz, and is utilized in various applications including communication, broadcasting, and radar. RF signals can travel through air and other media, allowing for the transmission of information over long distances without the need for physical connections.

**Wireless** technology, on the other hand, refers to the methods and systems that allow data transmission without wired connections. This technology utilizes RF signals and other forms of electromagnetic radiation (like microwaves and infrared) to transmit information between devices. Wireless communication enables mobile connectivity, allowing devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers to communicate over networks without physical cables. Common applications include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular networks, and satellite communication.

In summary, RF is a type of electromagnetic signal used in wireless communications, while wireless encompasses the broader technologies and systems that enable data transmission without wires.

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    Part No. Description Product Name Standard Packaging Other Name Series Product Status Action
    AMFW-6S-03400420-28  IC AMP SATCOM 3.4GHZ-4.2GHZ MOD AMFW-6S-03400420-28 1 AMFW Active RFQ
    AMFW-6S-13401450-85  AMPLIFIER AMFW-6S-13401450-85 1 * Active RFQ
    AMFW-7S-12201275-70  IC AMP SATCOM 12.2-12.75GHZ MOD AMFW-7S-12201275-70 1 AMFW Active RFQ
    AWS-3F-02000400-30-20P-TC  AMPLIFIER AWS-3F-02000400-30-20P-TC 1 * Active RFQ
    BCO-100-10200-4-15P-OP18  OSCILLATOR BCO-100-10200-4-15P-OP18 1 BC0 Active RFQ
    DLCRO-010-19631-3-15P-OP15  OSCILLATOR DLCRO-010-19631-3-15P-OP15 1 * Active RFQ
    DLCRO-I-09000-3-12P  OSCILLATOR DLCRO-I-09000-3-12P 1 DLCRO Active RFQ
    FMDMW-5.5/9-10  DISCRIMINATOR FMDMW-5.5/9-10 1 * Active RFQ
    JS3-00104000-58-5P  IC RF AMP GPS 100MHZ-40GHZ MOD JS3-00104000-58-5P 1 JS Active RFQ
    JS42-00101500-25-10P  IC RF AMP GPS 100MHZ-15GHZ MOD JS42-00101500-25-10P 1 JS Active RFQ
    JS42-00101500-31-10P  IC RF AMP GPS 100MHZ-15GHZ MOD JS42-00101500-31-10P 1 JS Active RFQ
    LNA-30-02002600-37-15P  IC RF AMP VSAT 2GHZ-26GHZ MODULE LNA-30-02002600-37-15P 1 LNA Active RFQ
    LNAS-30-04000800-12-10P-L  AMPLIFIER LNAS-30-04000800-12-10P-L 1 * Active RFQ
    MPN4-06001800-20P  AMPLIFIER MPN4-06001800-20P 1 * Active RFQ
    S113BDU  SWITCH S113BDU 1 Active RFQ
    S338A  SWITCH S338A 1 Active RFQ
    SW000453  SWITCH SW000453 1 * Active RFQ
    SW1-020080RI1NF  SWITCH SW1-020080RI1NF 1 Active RFQ
    SW1-040120AN1HF  SWITCH SW1-040120AN1HF 1 Active RFQ
    SW2-005020RN4NF  SWITCH SW2-005020RN4NF 1 Active RFQ
    SW2-020180AI3HF  SWITCH SW2-020180AI3HF 1 Active RFQ
    SW2-040120RI1HM  SWITCH SW2-040120RI1HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW3-002020AI5HM  SWITCH SW3-002020AI5HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW3-010180RN4HF  SWITCH SW3-010180RN4HF 1 Active RFQ
    SW3-020080RI3HM  SWITCH SW3-020080RI3HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW4-001100AN5HM  SWITCH SW4-001100AN5HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW4-002020AN5NF  SWITCH SW4-002020AN5NF 1 Active RFQ
    SW4-020180RI2HM  SWITCH SW4-020180RI2HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW5-002020AI4NM  SWITCH SW5-002020AI4NM 1 Active RFQ
    SW5-002020RI3NF  SWITCH SW5-002020RI3NF 1 Active RFQ
    SW5-020180AI4HF  SWITCH SW5-020180AI4HF 1 Active RFQ
    SW5-020180RI2NF  SWITCH SW5-020180RI2NF 1 Active RFQ
    SW6-020080RN3HF  SWITCH SW6-020080RN3HF 1 Active RFQ
    SW6-040120RI4NF  SWITCH SW6-040120RI4NF 1 Active RFQ
    SW8-002020RI5HM  SWITCH SW8-002020RI5HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW8-005020RN3HM  SWITCH SW8-005020RN3HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW8-020180AI3HF  SWITCH SW8-020180AI3HF 1 Active RFQ
    V700-A43 10M  10M EXTENSION CABLE V700-A43 10M 1 V700-A43 10M | V700-A4310M | V700A4310M V680 Active RFQ
    EHF-FD1545  RF POWER DIVIDER 650HZ-2000MHZ EHF-FD1545 4,000 P10699CT | EHFFD1545 | P10699 | P10699 | P10699BK | P10699TR Obsolete RFQ
    EHF-FD1619  BALUN 1.2GHZ-2.2GHZ 50/50 1206 EHF-FD1619 500 P10708CTR | P10708CT | P10708TRR | P10708TR | P10708 | P10708BK | EHFFD1619 EHF Obsolete RFQ
    C6135NL  IC CHIP C6135NL 1 Obsolete RFQ
    GPSCP07  RF ANTENNA GPSCP07 1 Obsolete RFQ
    FC20N-Q73  RF TXRX MOD BLUETOOTH/WIFI SMD FC20N-Q73 250 2958-FC20N-Q73TR | 2958-FC20N-Q73DKR | 2958-FC20N-Q73CT Active RFQ
    FC21SD-Q73  RF TXRX MOD BLUETOOTH/WIFI SMD FC21SD-Q73 250 2958-FC21SD-Q73DKR | 2958-FC21SD-Q73CT | 2958-FC21SD-Q73TR Active RFQ
    UPG2179TB-E4-A  DIVERSITY SWITCH UPG2179TB-E4-A 3,000 RENRNSUPG2179TB-E4-A | 2156-UPG2179TB-E4-A-RETR Obsolete RFQ
    CZB06S04080050HRT  RF ATTENUATOR 8DB 50OHM 4SMD CZB06S04080050HRT 4,000 Obsolete RFQ
    3M CN4490 0.75" X 9"-100  RF EMI SHIELDING TAPE 9"X0.75" 3M CN4490 0.75" X 9"-100 1 3M CN4490 0.75" X 9"-100 | 3MCN44900.75"X9"-100 CN-4490 Obsolete RFQ
    3M CN4490 9.25" X 9.25"-25  RF EMI SHLDING TAPE 9.25"X9.25" 3M CN4490 9.25" X 9.25"-25 1 3M CN4490 9.25" X 9.25"-25 | 3MCN44909.25"X9.25"-25 CN-4490 Obsolete RFQ

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