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RF and Wireless

**RF (Radio Frequency)** refers to the range of electromagnetic frequencies used for transmitting data wirelessly. RF encompasses a broad spectrum of frequencies, typically from 3 kHz to 300 GHz, and is utilized in various applications including communication, broadcasting, and radar. RF signals can travel through air and other media, allowing for the transmission of information over long distances without the need for physical connections.

**Wireless** technology, on the other hand, refers to the methods and systems that allow data transmission without wired connections. This technology utilizes RF signals and other forms of electromagnetic radiation (like microwaves and infrared) to transmit information between devices. Wireless communication enables mobile connectivity, allowing devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers to communicate over networks without physical cables. Common applications include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular networks, and satellite communication.

In summary, RF is a type of electromagnetic signal used in wireless communications, while wireless encompasses the broader technologies and systems that enable data transmission without wires.

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    Part No. Description Product Name Standard Packaging Other Name Series Product Status Action
    3M CN3490 6" X 7.25"-25  RF EMI SHIELDING TAPE 7.25"X6" 3M CN3490 6" X 7.25"-25 1 3M CN3490 6" X 7.25"-25 | 3MCN34906"X7.25"-25 CN-3490 Obsolete RFQ
    EFR32FG13P233F512GM48-BR  IC RF 802.15.4 48VFQFN EFR32FG13P233F512GM48-BR 2,500 unknown RFQ
    NRF8002-R1Q32-T  IC RF TXRX BLUETOOTH 32VFQFN NRF8002-R1Q32-T 490 1490-1027 | 1490-1027 | 4823-NRF8002-R1Q32-T Obsolete RFQ
    LNAS-30-02300270-10-13P  AMPLIFIER LNAS-30-02300270-10-13P 1 * Active RFQ
    JS4-06004000-54-5P-S  AMPLIFIER JS4-06004000-54-5P-S 1 * Active RFQ
    MPAT-13751450  ANALOG PIN ATTENUATORS MPAT-13751450 1 * Active RFQ
    IRM0208LC2C  MIXER IRM0208LC2C 1 * Active RFQ
    SW5-002020RN2NF  SWITCH SW5-002020RN2NF 1 Active RFQ
    CF710AB30483048  RF EMI NICU CF PROF 304.79MMSQUA CF710AB30483048 16 Q13099334 | 903-CF710AB30483048 Active RFQ
    MPAT-08001200-60-10-S0001  ANALOG PIN ATTENUATORS MPAT-08001200-60-10-S0001 1 * Active RFQ
    AWS-5F-10951275-60-25P  AMPLIFIER AWS-5F-10951275-60-25P 1 * Active RFQ
    LNAS-18-02001800-45-21P  AMPLIFIER LNAS-18-02001800-45-21P 1 * Active RFQ
    4220.09-405-T0  9DBD COLINEAR ODEG DOWNTILT 38 4220.09-405-T0 1 Active RFQ
    SW4-020180AI3HM  SWITCH SW4-020180AI3HM 1 Active RFQ
    JS2-034000370-07-10P  IC RF AMP GPS 3.4GHZ-3.7GHZ MOD JS2-034000370-07-10P 1 JS Active RFQ
    AWS-3F-00050250-15-17P-L  AMPLIFIER AWS-3F-00050250-15-17P-L 1 * Active RFQ
    SW5-002020RN3HF  SWITCH SW5-002020RN3HF 1 Active RFQ
    JSWK4-18002600-23-8P  AMPLIFIER JSWK4-18002600-23-8P 1 * Active RFQ
    SMC1219G21V  QPSK MODULATOR SMC1219G21V 1 * Active RFQ
    SW1-002020RI3HM  SWITCH SW1-002020RI3HM 1 Active RFQ
    AFS1-03400420-10-5P-4  IC RF AMP GPS 3.4GHZ-4.2GHZ MOD AFS1-03400420-10-5P-4 1 AFS Active RFQ
    JS3-07751625-50-18P-S1  AMPLIFIER JS3-07751625-50-18P-S1 1 * Active RFQ
    AMFW-6S-07250775-45-P1-TC-C06120420  AMPLIFIER AMFW-6S-07250775-45-P1-TC-C06120420 1 * Active RFQ
    SW4-020180AI1HF  SWITCH SW4-020180AI1HF 1 Active RFQ
    SW1-002020RI2NF  SWITCH SW1-002020RI2NF 1 Active RFQ
    SKY13489-001C  WLCSP SP2T T/R WITH SINGLE BIT C SKY13489-001C 5,000 863-2129-1 | 863-2129-2 | 863-2129-6 * Active RFQ
    AMF-3F-07200820-60-23P-TC  AMPLIFIER-MEDIUM POWER AMF-3F-07200820-60-23P-TC 1 * Active RFQ
    AV101-12LF  RF ATTENUATOR 25DB 50OHM 8SOIC AV101-12LF 1,000 AV10112LF | 863-1029-6 | 863-1029-2 | 863-1029-1 Obsolete RFQ
    LNA-20-12002600-50-25P  IC RF AMP VSAT 12GHZ-26GHZ MOD LNA-20-12002600-50-25P 1 LNA Active RFQ
    SW2-031043AI2HM  SWITCH SW2-031043AI2HM 1 Active RFQ
    DSW-S0001  SWITCH DSW-S0001 1 * Active RFQ
    SW5-005020RN4NF  SWITCH SW5-005020RN4NF 1 Active RFQ
    SW7-002020AN1NM  SWITCH SW7-002020AN1NM 1 Active RFQ
    AMFW-5S-04500480-45  AMPLIFIER AMFW-5S-04500480-45 1 * Active RFQ
    AFSX4-02200230-08-13P-6-S  AMPLIFIER, LOW NOISE AFSX4-02200230-08-13P-6-S 1 * Active RFQ
    D5JB881M5D3AA-Z  RF DUPLEXER D5JB881M5D3AA-Z 3,000 Obsolete RFQ
    4774-3  FIXED ATTENUATOR 4774-3 1 Active RFQ
    AT86RF211DAI-R  IC RF TXRX ISM<1GHZ 48LQFP AT86RF211DAI-R 2,000 Obsolete RFQ
    C7275NLT  IC CHIP C7275NLT 1 Obsolete RFQ
    SW5-005020RN5HM  SWITCH SW5-005020RN5HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW1-002020AI3HM  SWITCH SW1-002020AI3HM 1 Active RFQ
    20508-001-XTD  GD3K/FAB 10 TRANSFER 0534 20508-001-XTD 1 ONSONS20508-001-XTD | 2156-20508-001-XTD * Active RFQ
    CD-202-183-10S  COUPLER CD-202-183-10S 1 * Active RFQ
    AWS-A9000-051804  AMPLIFIER AWS-A9000-051804 1 * Active RFQ
    SW2-002020RN2HM  SWITCH SW2-002020RN2HM 1 Active RFQ
    SW2-040120AN1NF-S0001  ABSORBTIVE SWITCH SW2-040120AN1NF-S0001 1 * Active RFQ
    MAX5M135145  ACTIVE 5X MULTIPLIERS MAX5M135145 1 * Active RFQ
    HMC171C8TR  IC MMIC MIXER DBL-BAL CERAMIC HMC171C8TR 100 1127-2500-1 | 1127-2500-6 | 1127-2500-2 Obsolete RFQ

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      RF Detectors

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      RF Demodulators

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