Crimpers, Applicators, Presses - Accessories
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(Total Part Numbers : )Part No. | Description | Product Name | Standard Packaging | Other Name | Series | Product Status | Action |
0011323086 | FRONT GUARD | 0011323086 | 1 | 11323086 | 001132-3086 | 11-32-3086 | 011323086 | AM63130G119 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011404335 | INSULATION PUNCH | 0011404335 | 1 | 01140-4335 | 011404335 | 8300 17 | 011-40-4335 | 0011-40-4335 | 001140-4335 | 11-40-4335 | 11404335 | - | Active | RFQ |
0190270030 | KRIMPING DIE (ATP-A-410-E1) | 0190270030 | 1 | 019027-0030 | ATP-A-410-E1 | 19027-0030 | 190270030 | ETC; VibraKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0190780764 | STEEL DLH INSERT (190780764) | 0190780764 | 1 | 19078-0764 | 190780764 | 019078-0764 | - | Active | RFQ |
0190270002 | E2 ATP DIE (190270002) | 0190270002 | 1 | ETC; Avikrimp | Active | RFQ | |
0190270185 | KRIMPING DIE (ATP-P-175-E1) | 0190270185 | 1 | ATP-P-175-E1 | 019027-0185 | 19027-0185 | 190270185 | * | Active | RFQ |
0190270186 | KRIMPING DIE (ATP-P-175-E2) | 0190270186 | 1 | 019027-0186 | 19027-0186 | 190270186 | ATP-P-175-E2 | * | Active | RFQ |
0190310048 | E1 DIE FOR 19031-0042 | 0190310048 | 1 | 19031-0048 | 019031-0048 | 190310048 | - | Active | RFQ |
0190270221 | KRIMPING DIE (SPL-0365-E1) | 0190270221 | 1 | 19027-0221 | 019027-0221 | 190270221 | SPL-0365-E1 | * | Active | RFQ |
0190320051 | DIE ELECTRICAL NEST | 0190320051 | 1 | 019032-0051 | 19032-0051 | 190320051 | MMT-AA-513-E1 | - | Active | RFQ |
0190320231 | E2 DIE OF 190320230 FIQD | 0190320231 | 1 | 019032-0231 | 19032-0231 | 190320231 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192860057 | HYDRAULIC HEAD LARGE BLANK HHLB | 0192860057 | 1 | 192860057 | 019286-0057 | 192860-0057 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011405239 | CARRIER CUT-OFF BLADE | 0011405239 | 1 | 63312A111 | 01140-5239 | 11405239 | 001140-5239 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011405411 | 63331A109 INSULATION ANVIL | 0011405411 | 1 | 1140-5411 | 001140-5411 | 63331A109 | 0011-40-5411 | 11-40-5411 | 11405411 | - | Active | RFQ |
0190270031 | KRIMPING DIE (ATP-A-410-E2) | 0190270031 | 1 | 019027-0031 | 19027-0031 | ATP-A-410-E2 | 190270031 | ETC; VibraKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0190280046 | ACP-101 CUTOFF-DIES | 0190280046 | 1 | 190280046 | 19028-0046 | ACP-BB-596X-I1 | 019028-0046 | * | Active | RFQ |
0190320184 | I1 DIE FOR MMT-101 (190320184) | 0190320184 | 1 | 190320184 | 019032-0184 | 19032-0184 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880149 | KRIMPING DIE ATP-BB-575-I2 | 0192880149 | 1 | ATP-BB-575-I2 | 192880-0149 | 019288-0149 | 192880149 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011241042 | 4996-5 CUT-OFF DIE BLADE | 0011241042 | 2 | 001124-1042 | 0011-24-1042 | 11-24-1042 | 4996 5 | 11241042 | - | Active | RFQ |
313185-2 | DIE, HOLDER | 313185-2 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
01816 | VALVE, RELIEF | 01816 | 1 | PAL1816 | 50018167 | - | Active | RFQ |
820965-1 | BLADE, GUIDE | 820965-1 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
562667-2 | EINSTELLSCHB. ISO | 562667-2 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
0011193109 | ADJUSTING SCREW | 0011193109 | 5 | 7179 11 | 1119-3109 | 0011-19-3109 | 11-19-3109 | 11193109 | 001119-3109 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011241529 | CARRIER CUTOFF BLADE | 0011241529 | 5 | 1124-1529 | 001124-1529 | 11-24-1529 | 7151 7 | 0011-24-1529 | 11241529 | - | Active | RFQ |
1424298-1 | SHIM,626 | 1424298-1 | 1 | * | Active | RFQ | |
245804-1 | SPRING-CAM SHIFTER | 245804-1 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
1424359-1 | CROSS SECTIONAL PHOTO | 1424359-1 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
722634-6 | ANVIL | 722634-6 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
1398335-1 | 11965A181 DRAWER SLIDE, 8, LIG | 1398335-1 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
653511-5 | DISTANZPLATTE | 653511-5 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
690474-5 | SHEAR BLADE | 690474-5 | 1 | * | Active | RFQ | |
2063870-2 | BATTERY CHARGER | 2063870-2 | 1 | * | Active | RFQ | |
0011326321 | GRILLE | 0011326321 | 1 | 11326321 | 01132-6321 | 001132-6321 | 011326321 | 1132-6321 | AM63164E108 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011405261 | STOP FINGER | 0011405261 | 1 | 001140-5261 | 11405261 | 1140-5261 | 63317A115 | 011405261 | 01140-5261 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011327968 | DRAG BLOCK | 0011327968 | 1 | 011327968 | 1132-7968 | AM60506T301 | 01132-7968 | 001132-7968 | 11327968 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011184110 | 60712-10 CONDUCTOR ANVIL | 0011184110 | 6 | 011-18-4110 | 0011-18-4110 | 11184110 | 01118-4110 | 011184110 | 0011184110 | WM21848 | 001118-4110 | 60712 10 | 207126 | Active | RFQ |
0011184644 | ANVIL | 0011184644 | 1 | 60708 18 | 001118-4644 | 0011-18-4644 | 11-18-4644 | 11184644 | 1118-4644 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011184808 | REAR CUT OFF DIE BLADE | 0011184808 | 5 | 0011184808 | 60800A104 | 1118-4808 | WM13397 | 0011-18-4808 | 11-18-4808 | 11184808 | 001118-4808 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011184950 | WIRE STOP | 0011184950 | 1 | 1118-4950 | 11184950 | 0011-18-4950 | 11-18-4950 | 001118-4950 | 60808A108 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011184986 | CONDUCTOR PUNCH | 0011184986 | 2 | 001118-4986 | WM24387 | 0011-18-4986 | 11-18-4986 | 11184986 | 0011184986 | 1118-4986 | 60805B106 | 207126 | Active | RFQ |
0011241017 | 4994-15 CUT OFF PUNCH | 0011241017 | 3 | 0011-24-1017 | 11-24-1017 | 11241017 | 4994 15 | 001124-1017 | * | Active | RFQ |
0011241372 | CRIMP PUNCH TERM 3233 | 0011241372 | 1 | 001124-1372 | 0011-24-1372 | 11-24-1372 | 11241372 | 1124-1372 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011317106 | AM60026-7 ADJUST SCREW RA | 0011317106 | 1 | 11317106 | 001131-7106 | 11-31-7106 | AM60026 7 | 0011-31-7106 | 1131-7106 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011321227 | SWITCH GRN PUSH BUTTON | 0011321227 | 1 | 1132-1227 | 011321227 | 11321227 | AM60682E304 | 01132-1227 | 001132-1227 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011184931 | ANVIL | 0011184931 | 1 | 001118-4931 | 0011-18-4931 | 11-18-4931 | 11184931 | 60774B101 | 1118-4931 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011321225 | SWITCH RED PUSH BUTTON | 0011321225 | 1 | 1132-1225 | 001132-1225 | 11321225 | AM60682E302 | 01132-1225 | 011321225 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011325472 | SENSOR BRACKET | 0011325472 | 1 | 11325472 | 01132-5472 | 001132-5472 | 011325472 | 1132-5472 | AM63131N147 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011325606 | TYPE HOLDER COVER | 0011325606 | 1 | AM63163M106 | 0011-32-5606 | 001132-5606 | 011-32-5606 | 11325606 | 01132-5606 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011325674 | LOWER DIE STOP | 0011325674 | 1 | 001132-5674 | 11325674 | 01132-5674 | 1132-5674 | 011325674 | AM63163A214 | - | Active | RFQ |
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