Crimpers, Applicators, Presses - Accessories
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(Total Part Numbers : )Part No. | Description | Product Name | Standard Packaging | Other Name | Series | Product Status | Action |
0011322548 | PC BOARD | 0011322548 | 1 | 1132-2548 | 011322548 | 01132-2548 | 11322548 | 001132-2548 | AM63200Q109 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011403056 | K8328A TOOL KIT | 0011403056 | 1 | 011403056 | 001140-3056 | 01140-3056 | 11-40-3056 | 11403056 | K8328A | 0011-40-3056 | 011-40-3056 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011184002 | 60703-4 DRAG PLATE | 0011184002 | 2 | 11184002 | 1118-4002 | 60703 4 | 0011-18-4002 | 11-18-4002 | 001118-4002 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011325941 | UPPER CLAMP | 0011325941 | 1 | 0011-32-5941 | 001132-5941 | 011-32-5941 | 01132-5941 | 11325941 | AM63164A443 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011184901 | FRONT PLUNGER STRIKER | 0011184901 | 2 | 001118-4901 | 1118-4901 | 11184901 | 60804A124 | 0011-18-4901 | 11-18-4901 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011185221 | REAR COVER | 0011185221 | 1 | 0011-18-5221 | 1118-5221 | 11-18-5221 | 60823A113 | 11185221 | 001118-5221 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192860088 | SPRING FOR DLHH 41043 192860088 | 0192860088 | 1 | 192860088 | 19286-0088 | 019286-0088 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192870121 | KRIMPING DIES ASP-M-5QD-E2 | 0192870121 | 1 | ASP-M-5QD-E2 | 192870-0121 | 192870121 | 019287-0121 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880051 | KRIMPING DIE ATP-AA-575-E2 | 0192880051 | 1 | ATP-AA-575-E2 | 192880-0051 | 192880051 | 019288-0051 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880319 | ACPAA595 MODIFIED SPL0350 | 0192880319 | 1 | SPL-0350 | 019288-0319 | 192880319 | 19288-0319 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880370 | LOCATOR FOR BB1148 SPL0540A | 0192880370 | 1 | 192880370 | 019288-0370 | 19288-0370 | SPL-0540A | - | Active | RFQ |
0192920007 | DIE ELECTRICAL NEST | 0192920007 | 1 | 192920007 | 192920-0007 | MMZ-AA-512-E1 | 019292-0007 | * | Obsolete | RFQ |
0198035220 | E2 DIE 22-18 AVK FLAG 198035220 | 0198035220 | 1 | 198035-5220 | 019803-5220 | 198035220 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198125240 | E2 DIE 198125240 | 0198125240 | 1 | 019812-5240 | 198125240 | 198125-5240 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198125271 | E1 DIE MAG WIRE PIGTAIL | 0198125271 | 1 | 019812-5271 | 198125271 | 198125-5271 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192790207 | BENCH ADPT BOTTOM | 0192790207 | 1 | 019279-0207 | 19279-0207 | 192790207 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192860103 | AIR HOSE 1/4 NPT MALE'GS AH | 0192860103 | 10 | 19286-0103 | 019286-0103 | AH | 192860103 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880075 | KRIMPING DIE ATP-AB-591-E1 | 0192880075 | 1 | 192880-0075 | 019288-0075 | 192880075 | ATP-AB-591-E1 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880144 | KRIMPING DIE ATP-BB-524-I2 | 0192880144 | 1 | 019288-0144 | 192880144 | ATP-BB-524-I2 | 192880-0144 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880227 | KRIMPING DIE ATP-E-550-E2 | 0192880227 | 1 | 192880-0227 | 019288-0227 | ATP-E-550-E2 | 192880227 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880281 | KRIMPING DIE ATP-SC-1210-E2 | 0192880281 | 1 | ATP-SC-1210-E2 | 192880-0281 | 019288-0281 | 192880281 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192900059 | HHL DIE ANVIL TRANSFTAP 19290005 | 0192900059 | 1 | 19290-0059 | 019290-0059 | 192900059 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192900201 | CONDUCTOR ANVIL | 0192900201 | 1 | 192900201 | 019290-0201 | 19290-0201 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198005170 | I2 DIE 12-10 INSULK PGYBK | 0198005170 | 1 | 019800-5170 | 198005170 | 198005-5170 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198075020 | I2 DIE 198075020 | 0198075020 | 1 | 198075020 | 198075-5020 | 019807-5020 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198075021 | I1 DIE 198075021 | 0198075021 | 1 | 198075021 | 198075-5021 | 019807-5021 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192860803 | PRESS HEIGHT ADJUSTOR | 0192860803 | 1 | 192860803 | 19286-0803 | 019286-0803 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192870069 | CRIMPING DIE ASP-BB-522250E1 | 0192870069 | 1 | 192870-0069 | 019287-0069 | ASP-BB-522250E1 | 192870069 | * | Obsolete | RFQ |
0192880172 | KRIMPING DIE ATP-C-264-E1 | 0192880172 | 1 | 192880-0172 | 192880172 | ATP-C-264-E1 | 019288-0172 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880196 | KRIMPING DIE ATP-C-532-E1 | 0192880196 | 1 | ATP-C-532-E1 | 192880-0196 | 019288-0196 | 192880196 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880342 | DIE SPACER LOWER SPL0416A | 0192880342 | 1 | 019288-0342 | SPL-0416A | 192880342 | 19288-0342 | * | Obsolete | RFQ |
0192880411 | CONDUCTOR ANVIL | 0192880411 | 1 | 192880411 | 019288-0411 | 19288-0411 | 192880-0411 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192900051 | HHL DIE NEST 2 AWG | 0192900051 | 1 | 19290-0051 | 019290-0051 | 192900051 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198005290 | DIE I2 198005290 | 0198005290 | 1 | 019800-5290 | 198005290 | 198005-5290 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198035270 | I2 DIE AVK FLAG 198035270 | 0198035270 | 1 | 198035270 | 019803-5270 | 198035-5270 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198035271 | INSULATION ANVIL I1 DIE | 0198035271 | 1 | 198035-5271 | 019803-5271 | 19803-5271 | 198035271 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198122009 | DIE SET 2 MAGWIRE SPLICE | 0198122009 | 1 | 019812-2009 | 198122009 | 198122-2009 | - | Active | RFQ |
0198165090 | SPRING PLATE 198165090 | 0198165090 | 1 | 019816-5090 | 19816-5090 | 198165090 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011404765 | 8369-13 CUT-OFF BLADE | 0011404765 | 1 | 1140-4765 | 8369 13 | 0011-40-4765 | 11-40-4765 | 001140-4765 | 11404765 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011150252 | 414 2 MFD CAPAC 450VDC | 0011150252 | 50 | 001115-0252 | 11-15-0252 | 11150252 | 0011-15-0252 | 1115-0252 | * | Obsolete | RFQ |
0011210103 | AM2161SC218 SOLENOID | 0011210103 | 1 | 0011-21-0103 | 11-21-0103 | AM2161 SC2 18 | 1121-0103 | 001121-0103 | * | Obsolete | RFQ |
0011325932 | LOWER BLADE SPACER OUTE | 0011325932 | 1 | 011325932 | AM63164A429 | 1132-5932 | 11325932 | 01132-5932 | 001132-5932 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011170570 | 2810-18 WIRE STOP | 0011170570 | 2 | 2810-18 | 0011-17-0570 | 11-17-0570 | 11170570 | 001117-0570 | 1117-0570 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011183069 | TOOL KIT | 0011183069 | 1 | 11183069 | K60730A | 011-18-3069 | 0011-18-3069 | 001118-3069 | 01118-3069 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011323949 | SLIDE | 0011323949 | 1 | 11323949 | 001132-3949 | 01132-3949 | 011323949 | 1132-3949 | AM63130N145 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011170339 | 2442 22S100 244222S100 | 0011170339 | 1 | 001117-0339 | 11170339 | 2442 22S100 | 0011-17-0339 | 11-17-0339 | 1117-0339 | * | Obsolete | RFQ |
0011170484 | 2958 38 295838 | 0011170484 | 1 | 11170484 | 001117-0484 | 0011-17-0484 | 11-17-0484 | 1117-0484 | 2958-38 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011170353 | 2810-30 CONDUCTOR PUNCH | 0011170353 | 2 | 11170353 | 0011-17-0353 | 11-17-0353 | 1117-0353 | 2810 30 | WM9755 | 001117-0353 | 0011170353 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011321746 | TSPACER | 0011321746 | 1 | AM63222P2 | 1132-1746 | 011321746 | 001132-1746 | 11321746 | 01132-1746 | - | Active | RFQ |
0011325171 | WIRE INDICATOR LEVER | 0011325171 | 1 | 011-32-5171 | 0011-32-5171 | 001132-5171 | AM60000Y304 | 11325171 | 01132-5171 | - | Active | RFQ |
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