Crimpers - Crimp Heads, Die Sets
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(Total Part Numbers : )Part No. | Description | Product Name | Standard Packaging | Other Name | Series | Product Status | Action |
0190270001 | DIE SET (4) ATP (190270001) | 0190270001 | 1 | 19027-0001 | 019027-0001 | 190270001 | Avikrimp | Active | RFQ |
0190300040 | DIE SET (4) (MMC-C-595) | 0190300040 | 1 | 019030-0040 | 190300040 | MMC-C-595 | 19030-0040 | ETC | Active | RFQ |
0192880160 | DIE SET SET OF 4 ATP-BB-AFIFG | 0192880160 | 1 | ATP-BB-AFIFG | 192880-0160 | 019288-0160 | 192880160 | ETC; Avikrimp | Active | RFQ |
1285002-2 | PROCRIMPER TOOL & DIE | 1285002-2 | 1 | PRO-CRIMPER, AMP-MODU I | Active | RFQ | |
0192890800 | COEUR CRIMP 1/0 DIE SET | 0192890800 | 1 | 019289-0800 | WM26540 | 192890800 | Coeur PowerWize | Active | RFQ |
0192870141 | DIE SET SET OF 4 ASP-P-5QD1087 | 0192870141 | 1 | 192870141 | ASP-P-5QD1087 | 192870-0141 | 019287-0141 | ETC | Active | RFQ |
1303G17 | DIE SET FOR PMHPB 95MM CONT | 1303G17 | 1 | SBE320, SBX350 | Active | RFQ | |
1303G3 | DIE SET FOR SBE/O/X #4/0 CONT. | 1303G3 | 1 | SB 350 | Active | RFQ | |
CT-2550CH | TOOL CRIMP HEAD FOR CT-2500 | CT-2550CH | 1 | 298-19702 | CT-2550CH | 07498300973 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192890010 | HYDRL DIES NYLA/INSUL 2 AWG | 0192890010 | 1 | 192890010 | 019289-0010 | HHL-G-740 | 192890-0010 | ETC; InsulKrimp; NylaKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0192890011 | HYDRL DIES NYLA KRIMP 1/0AWG | 0192890011 | 1 | WM24953 | 192890-0011 | 0192890011 | 192890011 | 019289-0011 | HHL-H-750 | ETC; InsulKrimp; NylaKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0192890011 | HYDRL DIES NYLA KRIMP 1/0AWG | 0192890011 | 1 | WM24953 | 192890-0011 | 0192890011 | 192890011 | 019289-0011 | HHL-H-750 | ETC; InsulKrimp; NylaKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0190472250 | ATP-201 TOOL KIT BUTT SPLICE 6AW | 0190472250 | 1 | 900-0190472250 | 190472250 | 019047-2250 | 19047-2250 | 207125 | Active | RFQ |
R282967015 | TOOL / POSITIONER FOR CRIMPING T | R282967015 | 1 | 2201-R282967015 | R282.967.015 | - | Active | RFQ |
5138AV | DIE 6" | 5138AV | 1 | * | Active | RFQ | |
0198032010 | DIES 12-10 INSUL/AVI FIQD FLAG | 0198032010 | 1 | 019803-2010 | 19803-2010 | 198032010 | 198032-2010 | Avikrimp; InsulKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0192900350 | HHL DIE SET | 0192900350 | 1 | 19290-0350 | 192900350 | 019290-0350 | Imperium Plus | Active | RFQ |
0192880145 | DIES AVIKRIMP QD 14-22 AWG | 0192880145 | 1 | 019288-0145 | ATP-BB-575 | 192880145 | 192880-0145 | ETC; Avikrimp; InsulKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0192880400 | ATP DIE SET | 0192880400 | 1 | 192880400 | 019288-0400 | 19288-0400 | 192880-0400 | Perma-Seal | Active | RFQ |
0190270301 | ATP TOOLING KIT W/ SPACERS | 0190270301 | 1 | 19027-0301 | 190270301 | 019027-0301 | Krimptite; VersaKrimp | Active | RFQ |
CD9-14A | DIEINSERT,CA9APPLICATOR,14A,RD/B | CD9-14A | 1 | ReelSmart | Active | RFQ | |
CD-800-11 | DIEINSERT,CA-800APPLICATOR,11,BU | CD-800-11 | 1 | CD-800-11 | 298-20970 | DiscoGrip , ReelSmart | Active | RFQ |
CD9-2AD | DIEINSERT,CA9APPLICATOR,2AD,BU,E | CD9-2AD | 1 | ReelSmart | Active | RFQ | |
90391-3 | DIE SET ULTRA-FASTONS 16-14 AWG | 90391-3 | 1 | 90391-3 | A28008 | 2266-90391-3 | 903913 | Faston | Active | RFQ |
CD-800-6 | DIEINSERT,CA-800APPLICATOR,6,RD, | CD-800-6 | 1 | ReelSmart | Active | RFQ | |
CD-2001-F87 | DIE INSERT USED WITH CT-2001 OR | CD-2001-F87 | 1 | 7498357701 | 298-16580 | - | Active | RFQ |
CD9-1A | DIEINSERT,CA9APPLICATOR,1A,RD,EA | CD9-1A | 1 | CD9-1A | 298-19673 | ReelSmart | Active | RFQ |
CD9-3B | DIEINSERT,CA9APPLICATOR,3B,YL,EA | CD9-3B | 1 | 298-19675 | CD9-3B | ReelSmart | Active | RFQ |
CD-940-1250 | CRIMP DIE FOR CT-940CH, 1250 KCM | CD-940-1250 | 1 | - | Active | RFQ | |
48128 | NEST INSERT SOLIS 6AWG | 48128 | 1 | 48128 | A141897 | Solistrand, Strato-Therm | Active | RFQ |
0192880195 | DIES AVIK./INSUL. QD 12-10AWG | 0192880195 | 1 | 192880-0195 | 019288-0195 | 192880195 | ATP-C-532 | ETC; Avikrimp; InsulKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0192880188 | KRIMPING DIES SET OF 2 | 0192880188 | 1 | 019288-0188 | 192880188 | ATP-C-531-CC | 192880-0188 | Avikrimp; InsulKrimp | Active | RFQ |
CD-920-O | CRIMP DIE FOR CT-920/930 | CD-920-O | 1 | CD-920-O | 07498364656 | 298-20978 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192870115 | DIE SET 4 ASP-M-5QD1087 | 0192870115 | 1 | 192870-0115 | 019287-0115 | ASP-M-5QD1087 | 192870115 | ETC | Active | RFQ |
0192870134 | DIE SET SET OF 4 ASP-P-2QD250 | 0192870134 | 1 | 192870-0134 | 019287-0134 | 192870134 | ASP-P-2QD250 | ETC | Active | RFQ |
0192920016 | CRIMPING DIE MMZBB522E1 | 0192920016 | 1 | 019292-0016 | 19292-0016 | MMZ-BB-522-E1 | 192920016 | - | Active | RFQ |
0190320148 | CRIMPING DIE MMTC730I2 | 0190320148 | 1 | MMT-C-730-I2 | 190320148 | 019032-0148 | 19032-0148 | - | Active | RFQ |
0190300079 | MINI MAC DIE (MMC-BB-595-E2) | 0190300079 | 1 | 19030-0079 | 019030-0079 | 190300079 | MMC-BB-595-E2 | - | Active | RFQ |
0190320146 | CRIMPING DIE MMTC730E2 | 0190320146 | 1 | MMT-C-730-E2 | 19032-0146 | 019032-0146 | 190320146 | - | Active | RFQ |
0192880410 | ATP TOOLING KIT | 0192880410 | 1 | 019288-0410 | 192880410 | 19288-0410 | WM23016 | 0192880410 | 192880-0410 | Perma-Seal | Active | RFQ |
0192880048 | DIES AVIKRIMP/INSUL QD 22-18AWG | 0192880048 | 1 | 192880048 | ATP-AA-575 | 019288-0048 | 192880-0048 | ETC; Avikrimp; InsulKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0192880049 | DIES FIQD 22-18 ATP-AA-575-CC | 0192880049 | 1 | 192880049 | ATP-AA-575-CC | 192880-0049 | 019288-0049 | InsulKrimp | Active | RFQ |
0190270052 | DIES KRIMPTITE FLAG QD 22-18 | 0190270052 | 1 | 019027-0052 | ATP-AA-NIFG | 19027-0052 | 190270052 | ETC; Krimptite | Active | RFQ |
0192870160 | SPECIAL DIE SET FOR BB-5263Z | 0192870160 | 1 | 019287-0160 | SPL-0636 | 192870160 | 192870-0160 | - | Active | RFQ |
1388G1 | #4/0 DIE SET | 1388G1 | 1 | SB350 | Active | RFQ | |
1388G5 | #4 DIE SET | 1388G5 | 1 | Powerpole, SB175 | Active | RFQ | |
1388G6 | DIE SET 6-8AWG | 1388G6 | 1 | Powerpole SB, SBE, SBO, SBS | Active | RFQ | |
1388G7 | DIE SET 10-12AWG | 1388G7 | 1 | Powerpole SB, SBE, SBO, SBS | Active | RFQ | |
1388G8 | DIE SET FOR MF/BL CONTACT | 1388G8 | 1 | Powerpole, Powerpole Pak | Active | RFQ | |
1388G9 | LOCATOR FOR CRIMP TOOL | 1388G9 | 1 | Powerpole, SBE320, SBS50, SBS75, SBX350 | Active | RFQ |
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